Home The Art of Life Welcome 2019

Welcome 2019


I am neither a saint nor a thief, neither a follower nor a preacher. I am just me. I may have sinful thoughts at times, I may even be grateful to people for their good deeds. I am a person. Just living the path and going with the wind. The journey had been full of twists and turns. All the hardships may not be fruitful but have to keep going. And we must keep on the journey.

Stepping ahead demands slipping away the past…

Embracing the new year with whatever and however it comes. No resolution. No plans. The Goodwill and being grounded is the only motto this year. That I bow to the Earth and to the Sun for the energy and light. That I be privileged to unprivilege myself for the under privileged. That I be powerful to unpower myself for the slums.
Thanks 2018 and welcome 2019.


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